
  • Datum 16-01-2014
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Europe? 2014? Merely another year that will be marked by the dominance of capital in all spheres of social and individual life. Another year of exploitation of human creativity for private profits of a microscopically small class of parasites. Another year of systematic deterioration of living conditions in a large part of the world. Another year of increased social, racial, sexual and cultural inequalities in local and global contexts. Another year of destruction and looting of public property, social welfare and benefits that the working class struggled to gain after WWII. Another year of arrogant blackmailing of national political elites, serving only the transnational capital elites. Another year of weakening the already weakened ties between communities, generations and individuals. Another year of spreading epidemics of depression, anxiety, indifference and other pathologies that mark the futility of human lives under neo-liberalism. Another year of cynical euphemisms and heinous lies to justify historical crimes and upcoming injustices. Another year of senseless mass spectacles and conservative quasi-utopias represented by social networks and the Internet. Another year of strengthening fascism and sclerotic reactions of the liberal left. Another year of imperialistic wars, feudalisation of the ‘developing worlds’, globalization of poverty, new diseases and deadly climactic occurrences. Does it still make sense to make, show, think cinema in Europe 2014? Probably more than ever. Or just the same.

I Feel S(love)nia Film tip: Karpopotnik (Matjaž Ivanišin)